Many cheap insurance policies do not cover roadside assistance or towing. With, you get a policy with comprehensive coverage and services to help you when you are in need. If you use the service even once during your drive in Mexico, it will have already paid for itself.
The benefits vary from one insurance company to the next. offers:
Roadside assistance and towing are too often needed, whether you are traveling in town or in Mexico; there is a toll-free number you can call for emergency assistance in the event of a breakdown, even when you are far from home.
The best towing and roadside assistance plans are always backed by quality insurance companies. You can depend on our reliable and high-rated roadside plans to deliver prompt and professional service when you need it most, and you can have peace of mind, knowing you are covered, regardless of what happens on the road.
When your vehicle is disabled, not having roadside assistance coverage can ruin a good trip. It is reassuring to know that a quality insurance company has you covered, and if you experience a vehicle breakdown, a professional will be there to help you.
If your vehicle is not drivable, it can be towed to a nearby garage, and you can arrange to have it fixed there. A vehicle breakdown in Mexico can be an extremely stressful situation, since you are not familiar with the area in which you are driving. When covered by , you can have your car repaired while you and your passengers can be transported back home or to the next stop on your scheduled trip.
Roadside assistance and towing coverage is a cost-minimal addition to standard full coverage for your vehicle. For that small amount more, you can travel to Mexico with the certainty that someone will help you if your vehicle becomes disabled.