Baja California ‘DOES NOT’require a Mexico Vehicle Permit at all!
Now when visiting Sonora you are able to drive directly to your desired cities ‘WITHOUT’ the time-consuming process of obtaining a car permit. The “Only Sonora” program is designed to allow Americans and Canadians to visit Sonora easily with no hassles. You are not required to have a vehicle permit or tourist visa to visit any border cities that are considered “free zones” and this includes Rocky Point or Puerto Peñasco.
A vehicle permit for Mainland Mexico is required at ALL times. You can register or read about how to obtain a Mexico Vehicle permit at
To obtain a temporary vehicle permit, you must have available, originals and copies of all documents to represent your vehicle. Be sure all originals are returned to you. The cost for vehicle permits can cost between $27US and $40US plus local taxes which is not refundable. You are also required to purchase a vehicle bond that is totally refundable; granted that you return the vehicle back to the United States. Mexico vehicle permits can be purchased in one of the following ways:
Imprint of a credit card/debit card with the owners name (not issued in Mexico). The following credit cards can be used internationally. (Visa, Master Card, American Express, Diners Card)
If you do not have a credit card you must obtain your temporary permit at the border by leaving a guarantee deposit in cash. The total amount of deposit is based on the year of your vehicle. The following is the most current schedule of fees:
Do not forget to also have your tourist card / visa or FM3 cards and Mexico Insurance available. Get a Quote and validated at the time you request your vehicle permit.
It is Strongly Recommended: if you have had a vehicle permit issued in the past that you take the prior returned vehicle permit certificate with you as this could expedite this process.
You can register to obtain your temporary vehicle permit on their website. This is a service that they have provided to complete this transaction faster.
To receive a total refund on your vehicle permit you must stop at the Banjercito Bank (recommended where your vehicle permit was issued) and present them with your vehicle permit and physical proof of the vehicle. Tourist and their vehicles cannot spend more than a maximum of 6 months (180days) in Mexico per visit.
If you have any questions feel free to contact the Mexico Consulates to confirm the most current requirements.